Bell Oldow Launches Environmental Jumpstart

Chelmsford, MA, January 12, 2021. Bell Oldow, an environmental risk management firm established in 2008, is pleased to deliver a new service for environmental insurance underwriting groups. Environmental Jumpstart directly impacts real estate risk engineering costs and underwriting. Developed in concert with underwriters, account managers and risk control managers, Bell Oldow pulls several deliverables into one Environmental Jumpstart service. Clients receive actionable information earlier in the risk management process, are relieved of document and property list sorting and reconciling, and can rely on expert, nuanced risk analyses necessary when creating manuscript policies.

Underwriting environmental insurance for commercial real estate portfolios is a daunting chore. Sorting through the lengthy string of documents, all with non-descript names, and trying to match them to the Statement of Values, are just a few of the time consuming and frustrating tasks that must be completed before starting to understand and underwrite the risk. Prior to Environmental Jumpstart underwriting groups faced three options:

  1. choose not to pursue deals knowing the time and cost involved;
  2. resort to providing less competitive indicative bids with numerous subjectivities; or,
  3. decide to move forward without knowing the quality of the data, only to learn, after spending numerous hours and dollars, that the opportunity is not within their risk appetite.

Environmental Jumpstart provides environmental risk control with an exceptional user experience

We use Griptiller software to process documents and locations. We retrieve documents directly from broker and carrier data rooms. This automated process saves significant time and money. Jumpstart provides:

  • Opportunity Analysis – a snapshot of the risk and synopsis of submission data quality/completeness gives a clear sense of the opportunity. Sometimes the decision to pass on an opportunity happens here. Our analysis illuminates the number of locations, occupancy types, geographical concentrations of properties, number of documents, data mismatches and report dates.
  • Environmental Risk Review (risk control spreadsheet) – this consolidated document captures both location and insurance-specific risks. Key information is flagged and locations are assigned risk ratings, with commentary to help inform risk decisions.
  • Disclosed Document List an editable list containing every document provided by the broker laid out with original file name, real document name, author, report date and associated property. Manually generating such lists is error-prone and time-consuming. Bell Oldow provides disclosed document lists typically within 48 hours.
  • Mapped Locations each property is Goggle mapped showing overall geographical distribution, as well as property specific satellite and street views.
  • Individual Property Foldersare contained in a single downloadable .ZIP file that includes every document pre-sorted into labeled property folders. All documents are easily downloaded and stored for posterity in company systems in a highly organized and searchable format.

“We listened closely to our customers to find out how we can impact their business in terms of cost savings and better underwriting. We go beyond the risk control spreadsheet. Jumpstart makes underwriting real estate accounts easier,” stated Andy Stead, Bell Oldow Executive Vice President Insurance Risk Control Group.

Get more value for your risk control dollar. For more information on Bell Oldow’s Environmental Jumpstart contact Andy Stead at